How We're Involved at Ohana Fest

25 Sep 2023
How We're Involved at Ohana Fest

Ohana Fest is this week, and we couldn’t be more excited! If you missed our last post detailing some of the history of the festival and its focus on promoting practical conservation activism, you should check it out. Long story short: Ohana is an essential place to be for music lovers who share a passion for restoring the health of our beautiful planet.

Clearly, Ohana is the place for us, and Philippe and I couldn’t be more thankful for our friends at The Momentum for inviting him to come speak on the festival’s Storyteller’s Panel. Alongside some of the strongest voices for oceanic climate activism, Philippe will speak about the importance of our Southern Ocean and the great danger it faces from the exploitation of krill. I know this will be an incredible opportunity to connect with dozens of like minded individuals who share Philippe and I’s love for our ocean world, and we can’t wait to share our knowledge of practical solutions both on and off the panel.


In addition to speaking on the Storyteller’s panel, Philippe and I will use the festival as an occasion for networking with other presenters and fellow conservation activists. We are so excited to cultivate and foster long term partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our passion for enacting practical solutions to the grave threats that currently plague our ocean planet. While we have so much to share from our experience in over two decades in climate activism, I know that we also can learn so much from the vast network of individuals that the Ohana Festival uniquely brings together.

If you are attending the festival we would love to meet you and talk about the majesty of our ocean, and the essential protection that it needs to restore the health of our planet. We’re counting down the days until then!

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